Current Members
Our current members are the life and soul of our kitchen—bringing their dreams to life with support from our team, one another and and a whole lot of grit.
IKC Alumni
We're grateful for all those who have found their home in the Incubator Kitchen and have moved on. You'll find some amazing brands had their start in our community.
A Butter Place
A Trailer Named Sous
Babushka Pierogies
Bad Cat Bakery
Baer by the River
Bay Bay Puree
Big G's BBQ
Black Beauty BBQ
Boombox Buns
Bowl Lord
Bramble Trampler Farm
Brocatos Pasta
Brown Bear Bakery
C&G Catering
Cate's Cookie Kitchen
Charmingly Sweet Life
Chef Nel
Chloe's Eatery
Cinsoy Foods
Colonel De's Catering
Cora's Cakery
Cuban Pete
Dada Smokes
Datz Natural Cosmetics
Dinner to Doorbells
F & Goode Desserts
Eat with Han
Elwood Kitchen & Co.
Everything Fudge
Fermented Culture
Firecacker Bakery
First Pillette
Fischer Additives
Flourish Foods
Food Forest
Fork+Pie Bakery
Forks & Greens Food Truck
Good Earth Good Eating
Grass Fed Gourmet
Grandola Granola
Grateful Dawgz
Halcyon Salsa
Harmony Ages Farm
Harmony Plant Fare
How We Roll
Hoosier Cabinet
I Got That Juice
Indigo Fizz
Jamerican Eats
Jenn's Hot Tamalé
Jo-Made Cookies
Juicing with Kiwi
Just Mousse
Kantine Food Truck
Keto Lifestyle
Kreatively Keto
Le Pufferie
Legendary EATS
Let's Do Lunches
Little Oven KY
Living Breathing Kitchen
Love & Fluff Mallows
Loving Healthy
Luminosity Coffee
Mattsons BBQ
Matunda Juice & Co
Maui Mae's
Metz Sugar Scrub
Mike's Smokehouse BBQ
Midwest Meal Plans
Moxy Cincinnati
My Parents Kitchen
Naturally Homegrown
Nija Foods
North South Bakery
Oakley Urban Farm
Occam Dining
Ocelot Pizza
Oh Little Mustard Seed
Packhouse Food Truck
Passion in my Pans
Pata Roja
Peace and Love Eatery
Pickled Pig
Pinky's Pit
Power Packed Meals
Prepped Girl
Quaint Confections
Queen City Cupcakes
Queen City Lemonade
Redneck Hipster Hotsauce
Ridgecrest Farms
Rock the Label
Rose & Mary Bakery
Russa's Ravioli
Screaming Goat Truck
She Bakes
Skinny Piggy Kombucha
Smoke House B.B.Q.
Smooth Nitro Coffee
Southern Grace Restaurant
Sowing Seeds in Omni Doula Services
Stellar Street Eats
Sweet Jazz Treats
Sweet Magma
Sweet Time Confections
Taco OSO
Teeny Pies
The BioLectric Food & Beverage Company
The Body Bakery
The Delish Dish
The Healing Kitchen
The Little Spoon Bakery & Cafe
The Pop Shop
The Scone Bakery
Tickely Boo Treats
Tons of Goodness
Tube Baking
Two Women& an oven
Uncle Adams Fudge
Unemployed Baker
Wham Bam Taco
Whole 'lot Sweets
Whirlybird Granola