Teeny Morris is the owner of Teeny Pies, which she started in 2013 after spending all of 2012 apprenticing at various pie shops across the country. Her adorable pies can be found at Findlay Market on the weekends and at the Northside Farmer’s Market on Wednesday evenings. She’s also well known for her cookbook, Teeny’s Tour of Pie, published in 2014 and named one of the best cookbooks of 2014 by Food and Wine. Check out her website, teenypies.com or follow her on Instagram if you’re into drool worthy pictures of beautiful pies. She lives in Northside with her husband and pup, following this simple motto: eat pie. be happy. eat more pie.
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Podcast recording by Matt Spaulding. Visit www.unravelproductions.net for more information.
Music by Ike Wilhelm. Visit www.wilhelmguitars.com for more information.